Book Now This registration form requires that JavaScript is enabled in your browser! Please enable JavaScript in your browser, or switch to a compatible web browser, so you can use the registration form. For more information on how to resolve this problem, see Google Help Gift Voucher Dates and Times Start Date: 09/08/2023 10:00 AM End Date: 18/06/2026 11:00 AM Register by: 20/02/2026 9:59 AM Location Ivy House UK Contact Details Alison Noble 017684 84545 [email protected] Online Registration Form Price category Select Gift Voucher (£50.00) Gift Voucher (£100.00) Gift Voucher (£200.00) * Rider First Name * Rider Last Name * Date of birth * Age * Height * Weight * Must be accurate Address 1 * Address 2 City/Town * County Postcode * Email * Mobile * I accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of Participant UK Ltd. (Participant UK Ltd provide the booking and payment platform to this organisation). * Yes, I approve and accept the declaration provided by Happy Hooves Riding School Happy Hooves declaration × Our accreditation's