One system with all the features you need
Manage booking, registration and payment easily in one system. Get started with LetsReg Go or build your own system with extra functions.
We all the features you need - and then some
Payment solution
Safe and flexible payment options, weekly auditor-approved vouchers that make accounting a little easier.
Registration form
Obtain the information you need from your participants and sell additional products easily in the form.
Weekly Payout
Auditor-approved payment reports, which go directly into the accounts. -
Communication Tool
Send email and SMS messages to your participants. -
Invite your customers, or send out personal invitations to closed registration pages. -
Consent Form
Receive consent for terms and conditions and keep control of your bookers. -
Customised Receipts
Add further information to your order confirmation, sent by email. -
Refund Payments
Make refunding easy. -
QR Code Check-In
Include QR code(s) within your customers' order confirmations for efficient check-in. -
Discount Codes
Add discounts and promotional codes. -
Early Bird pricing
Offer a discounted price before a specific date, and set the system to automatically switch to the full price. -
Access Management
Full control over who does what, with user access. -
The overview you need, updated in real time.
Sessions management
Handle your activities and instructors easily
Everything In Basic
Waiting List
Activate automatic waiting lists for your events, price categories or additional options. -
Transfer Tool
Move your customers easily between events, e.g., if somebody has booked the incorrect one. -
Approve Participant
Keep control of participants before they pay. -
VAT package price
Add several price components including VAT in a price package -
Partial Payment
Arrange payment plans, such as partial payment or recurring withdrawals. -
Limited User Access
Assign user or administrator access per event, without giving access to the entire account. -
Gift Card
Create unique promotional codes or open up the purchase of gift cards. -
Custom Design
Get registration pages, order confirmation and search page in your design profile. -
Search Page
Make it easier for participants to find the right event in their own overview page.
Hierarchic Structure
Reflect the organisational structure. -
API Connection
Retrieve data from your events and integrate them into other systems. -
Single sign-on for your customers. -
Unlimited Accounts
Get technical support for an unlimited number of accounts. -
Franchise Model
We distribute the income directly at settlement.